Egyptian Pyramids: Egypt Giza Pyramid
Giza is the place, where accidentally stumbling over its gold sand
can still uncover ancient buried treasures and tombs. With its vast
plateau, embracing one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Great
Pyramid -surprising both locals and visitors with its breathtaking
grandness-, justifies why a visit to Cairo is incomplete without
a visit to Giza. For only I.E. 45, and L.E 20 for students, the
gates of history are wide open for You to wander and explore. Just
make sure to wear closed, comfortable shoes, and long trousers,
especially if you intend to ride camels or climb the Pyramids' colossal
(Khufu - Khafre - Mankaure, the Three Pyramids Of Giza, Egypt)
Historical Overview at a glance
If visitors take some time to observe the sunrays, as they descend
in an upside down V shape to embrace the smooth sides of the great
Pyramids, the exceptional scene would amaze them. However, there
is more to the scene’s beauty…as an inscription on one of the Pyramids
reads "Heaven makes the sun rays hardened for you that you may ascend
", indicating that not only do the Pyramids of Giza serve as tombs,
but also represent a major shift in structure and religious beliefs
of the Forth Dynasty, where all three Pyramids were built.
The structure of the Pyramid changed from having stepped sides like
that of Sakkara, shedding more emphasis on the route to heaven,
and on the religious importance of the sun and solar cult. All three
Pyramids date back to the reigns of Kings Khufu; who built
the great pyramid, Khafre; his son who built the second pyramid,
and Menkaure; Khafre's son who built the third Pyramid,
and are aligned on an East-West axis, following the sun rising and
setting.Continue Reading about the Pyramids Of Giza (1 -