Egypt under Queen Hatshepsut
Economy: Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for twenty prosperous years,
driven by an unbreakable will to prove to the ancient world how
a woman is capable of playing various roles; that of a mother, a
master politician, an elegant and smart stateswoman, yet and
most importantly can still hold the entire country with an iron
grip, like no man would do. Hatshepsut realized the importance
of the economy, and its inescapable impact on the Egyptians, and
so, she focused on expanding trade relations remarkably, which
led both the economy, and the peoples’ overall status to
outstandingly flourish. The expedition to Punt; Somalia
nowadays, is one of the most important in recorded ancient
history, depicted on
Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir El Bahri, showing
Hatshepsut ordering a trading expedition to Punt, as per Amon
Ra’s command, to fulfill Egyptians’ needs of ivory, spices,
gold, ebony, fragrances and trees.
Art and Architecture: Hatshepsut is believed to be the only
female Pharaoh to establish the most monuments in her reign, as
many temples that we visit nowadays were either constructed or
restored by her most favored official Senenmut; her
spokesperson, advisor and chief of architect. For readers to
appreciate both the efforts of Hatshepsut and Senenmut, a visit
Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple in Thebes is a must, as against
the stark mountains backdrop at Deir El Bahari, stands the
extraordinary, partly rock mortuary temple, which rises from the
desert plain in a series of breathtaking imposing terraces.
Unfortunately, the temple was destroyed by Ramses the Second;
however, on going excavations continue to reveal exquisite
decorations, such as reliefs of Punt expedition, scenes along
the birth colonnade portraying the divine birth Queen
Hatshepsut, and statues of the Queen, represented as a male.

(Hatshepsut Statue in Deir Al Bahri, Egypt)
Hatshepsut and Senemut; Inevitable Rumors
With Hatshepsut gaining more power, and openly favoring Senenmut
over other officials, the spread of rumors became inevitable.
People suggested that both had an intimate relation, which
therefore, granted Senemut more than 40 significant titles by
the Queen. However, what led the rumors to run rampant, was
Senenmut’s appointment, as the Queen’s daughter private tutor,
and his construction of a tomb next to the Queen’s private tomb.
The relation between both remained a mystery, yet stirred more
confusion, when several statues associating Senenmut with the
Princess Neferure were found. However, by the death of Neferurue,
Hatshepsut and Senenmut’s relation came to an end, which leads
to the following speculation
The Fall of Hatshepsut
What remains of Hatshepsut is still a mystery, as no one knows
whether she had naturally died, had been murdered or simply
retired. All what we know is that the Queen inexplicably
disappeared, leaving no trace of her body, but only leaving room
for many speculations to guess what might have happened. The
most common speculation, details that some sort of alliance was
formed between Senenmut and Tuthmosis III, who grew to take his
rightful place as Egypt’s Pharaoh. Directed by hatred and anger, Tuthmosis III destroyed all monuments created by Hatshepsut, and
also had her name cut away from all temples’ walls, as an
attempt to erase her memory from ancient history. However,
Hatshepsut’s name will eternally be engraved in history, as she
had set a turning point in its course, which could never be
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